Senior Software Engineer

Hello! My name is Andrew.

I am a senior-level software engineer with ten years of game industry experience.
Video game AI, languages, software architecture, and user experience are among my passions.

I have a wide range of expertise covering several fields of technology.

C++ logo


I have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and have been coding in C++ for over a decade. My work experience has focused on UI, tools, and cross-platform development.

Rust logo


I am a big fan of Rust's safety, simplicity, and expressiveness. I contribute to Rust open source projects in my spare time and have a few Rust side projects of my own.

Unreal logo

Game Dev

I have hands-on experience building video games for AAA and indie studios alike. I have worked with several different game engines, including Unreal Engine 5.

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Web Dev

I have professional experience working with frontend and backend web technologies. I am very interested in the future of the web, especially with regard to WebAssembly and Rust.

I have completed my education at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

USC seal

Bachelor of Science

Computer Science (2011)
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA

I graduated from the USC Viterbi School of Engineering's GamePipe Lab program. I received a full Computer Science degree with an emphasis in game development.

SMU Mustang

Master of Interactive Technology

Digital Game Development (2014)
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX

I graduated from The Guildhall at SMU as part of Cohort 19. The subject of my thesis was Formation Movement for Real-Time Strategy Games.

Rust programming language logo is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Unreal logo is licensed under the MIT License. HTML 5 logo is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. C++ logo, University of Southern California seal, and SMU Mustang images are in the public domain (via Wikimedia Commons).